Tumbling & Stunting
Winter: Sundays, December 1st - January 12th
Spring: Sundays, April 13th - May 25th (no class April 20th)
Mini Cheer & Fundamentals
Winter: Fridays, December 6th - January 17th
Spring: Fridays, April 11th - May 23rd (no class April 18th)
Fee: $48
Instructor: Brooke Moore
Location: NRC Santa Fe and Railer Rooms
Registration Deadline: One week prior to each session
Minimum Enrollment: 4 Maximum Enrollment: 12
Please wear athletic clothing and sneakers (No sandals, boots, or crocs). Make sure hair is pulled back out of eyes. NO glitter or jewelry.
Note: No classes on Friday, Apirl 18th & Sunday, April 20th.
Mini Cheer: Introductory class designed to build enthusiasm for cheerleading, as well as teach children balance, coordination, and body awareness. Class is fun and entertaining. Games and activities are used to teach simple motions, vocal projection, basic jumps, and a chant. The class will NOT include tumbling and stunting.
Ages: 4 years - 6 years
Time: 4:30 PM - 5:15 PM
Fundamentals of Cheerleading: Class will focus on the basics of cheerleading. Participants will learn age-appropriate jumps, chants, basic tumbling, the fundamentals of basic stunts, as well as spirit and crowd involvement techniques. Students will also learn strategies to build balance, flexibility, and coordination necessary for cheer. Class is designed to give participants a fun, comprehensive cheer experience and build confidence.
Ages: 1st grade and up
Time: 5:20 PM - 6:10 PM
Tumbling and Stunting I: A fun, entry-level class designed to promote athleticism and teach participants beginner cheer tumbling and stunts. Class will focus on foundational tumbling including but not limited to, forward and backward rolls, cartwheels, handstands, bridges, etc. Participants will also learn a variety of ground level stunts.
Ages: 1st grade and up
Time: 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Tumbling and Stunting II: Intermediate level class designed to advance participants’ cheerleading skills specifically in tumbling and stunting. Class will focus on standing and connective tumbling including, but not limited to, round offs, standing backbends, handstand variations, and walkover drills. Participants will learn a variety of high level stunts.
Ages: Participants MUST be able to do a handstand and unassisted cartwheel OR have mastered the skills taught in Tumbling and Stunting I to take this class.
Time: 2:35 PM - 3:35 PM
Tumbling and Stunting III: A high-energy class for participants ready to advance their cheer skills in tumbling and stunting. Class will consist of standing and connective tumbling including, but not limited to, roundoff-jumps, walkovers, handsprings, roundoff back handsprings, and tuck drills. Participants will learn stunt variations and transitions into beginner and intermediate level stunts, as well as prep level stunts appropriate for age and skill.
Ages: Participants MUST be able to do a roundoff and unassisted backbend kickover OR have mastered skills taught in Tumbling and Stunting II to advance to this level.
Time: 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM
Skills & Drills Training - Indoor Soccer Season: February 18th - April 29th (No practice on March 18th)
The NRC Cheer Squad is designed to give young participants the opporunity to cheer and perform at NRC sports functions (Flag Football, Basketball, and Indoor Soccer) and to represent NRC when required during the enrolled cheer session. This 10-week session is designed for current NRC Squad members or any potential new members serious about cheerleading and who wish to excel in Tumbling and Stunting. The session will focus specifically on tumbling skills and technique, as well as basic and intermediate stunts and stunt variations. It will be a high energy, but fun training session geared toward athleticism. The Spring Cheer Squad Skills & Drills Training will have the opportunity for 2 half-time performances during the Indoor Soccer League.
Skills & Drills Training - Indoor Soccer Season - Cheerleaders will cheer 2 half-time performances for 5th-6th grade (days & times TBD)
Time: 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Fee: $75; includes T-Shirt, Hair Bow and Bag
A $15 refundable deposit is required to check out your cheer skirt/bottom and notebook, due at registration.
Ages: 1st grade and up
Instructor: Brooke Moore
Location: NRC Santa Fe Room/NRC Gymnasium
Registration Deadlines: Wednesday, February 12th
Minimum Enrollment: 10 Maximum Enrollment: 15
Note: Parent meeting at 5:45 PM on the first day of class.
No practice on Tuesday, March 18th.
*Community Cheerleading Competition*
Saturday, May 24th
More information coming soon!